We're looking for a few good men, women and teenagers who have a keen interest in model railroading, from beginners to experts and who want to have fun building high quality model railroads and learning more about science, technology, math, automation, carpentry, electronics, engineering (civil, mechanical, electrical, industrial and architectural), teamwork and the art of 3-dimensional landscaping. Learn from highly educated local pros (mentors) who have been doing this for years.
You could start out as a volunteer and learn as you go eventually becoming a member later, or staying on as a volunteer.
Volunteers are basically much needed helpers - loading and unloading train stuff, moving layouts, greeting and signing in visitors, escorting school children around to the various layouts and displays, maintaining the library and the video theater, but not yet running trains or doing any modeling. Once you gain a little experience over a few months you can become a full member helping to lay tracks, work on electrical projects, build mountains and other scenery and run trains. If you already have some experience you may be able to join as a member right away.
What are the differences between Volunteers and Members?
What are the benefits of involvement in model railroading?
How much time is involved?
Volunteers and New Members Welcome!
Call 757-816-8399 or send email with contact information to secretary@MRMHR.org
Thank you for signing up! We will contact you shortly. In the meantime, sign up for our monthly newsletter for updates.
Website: MRMHR.org
Email: secretary@mrmhr.org
Are you a Model Railroader?